You are not sure whether your game idea could fit into the publishing program? Then find out about the current product range. This will give you a first impression of whether your idea generally fits into the publishing program and into which category it should be placed.
Which ideas are of less interest to Ravensburger:
Games for small target groups
Put your game idea through its paces! Invite friends and neighbors to test game rounds and optimize your idea with the help of the feedback. Often there are valuable hints that you as the inventor of the game do not immediately think of. I will gladly provide you with a test game sheet for your game rounds. Before you send in your game, you should have tested it at least 5 times, preferably with critical and unbiased testers. Tip: Accompany the test games as a silent observer. This way you can see exactly where there are still discrepancies in the instructions and the gameplay.
You can download the test game sheet here.
What does the evaluation form I receive look like?
Here you can find the evaluation sheets for viewing.
Rather rarely. Often, games on licensed themes are commissioned by Ravensburger Verlag. If you still want to submit a game on a licensed theme, make sure that your game idea also works independently of the theme. The game mechanism is also important here.
It makes sense to look in advance whether there are already comparable games on the market (at home and abroad). For this purpose, the Internet search, a search at major Internet retailers or a look at the website helps Ravensburger Verlag is also not looking for expansions to existing games.
Mühlenkind Kreativagentur is exclusively commissioned with the evaluation of (board) game ideas. Please contact the customer service of Ravensburger Verlag GmbH with your inquiry. The colleagues will process your inquiry and, if necessary, forward it to the responsible editorial department.
Can I also present my idea in person?
You are welcome to present your game idea in our digital author consultation hour by prior appointment. Contact us for an appointment.
The answer is: No. Do not spend too much time on the graphic elaboration of your idea. It is especially important to have a clear structure, a sensible setup, and successful test play rounds. Make sure that your game material is fit for purpose. More important than a beautiful appearance are long-lasting game fun and an understandable game rule!
When testing and evaluating your game idea, all documents, drawings, sketches, prototypes, etc. that you make available will be treated "confidentially" - but not absolutely "secretly". The information obtained in the course of the collaboration will be used in the context of testing the submitted game idea, which means that we will discuss it with test players and editors, this explicitly includes the employees of Mühlenkind Kreativagentur and Ravensburger Verlag GmbH.
However, we will not publish or otherwise make available to third parties any information about your documents, drawings, sketches, prototypes, etc. without your prior written permission.
However, we do not consider your submission to be a "secret" within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/943 on the protection of trade secrets and the laws / legislative projects based on it.
If Ravensburger Verlag concludes a license agreement with you, you usually negotiate the amount of the percentages yourself. In general, they are customary in the industry at about 3 - 5 % of the net sales price.
An example calculation: Assume the retail price for the game is 20 €. The net sales price is approx. 10 €. 5% participation therefore results in € 0.50 per game sold.
The "Guide for Game Inventors (Leitfaden für Spieleerfinder)" in German by Tom Werneck is available as a book in its 7th revised edition. The guide is a handbook for young, less experienced game designers. This guide is intended as a source of information to help provide insight into processes and avoid mistakes.
You can order the German guide for € 10.00 from Bayerisches Spiele-Archiv Haar e.V.:
Furthermore, there is information and literature on the following websites: